Author: Beau Rice
Series: Success and Failure Series
Catalogue No: PA-017
Price: 13.95 USD
ISBN: 978-0978556419
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 8 1/4″ x 5 1/2″
Pages: 252pp
Published: Nov 2014
Availability: Out of print
“Foregrounding the abjection of the body, the desperation of the lover, and the authoritative fiction of authorship in the digital era, TEX makes humiliation essential to queer solidarity. And it might just make a masochist of us all.”
In the twenty-first century, relationships have been transformed in unprecedented ways. Technology has birthed a paradoxical space between isolation and connectivity, profoundly expanding the possibilities for how and with whom we create intimacy.
An experiment between the epistolary and the ectype, Tex is a performance act in print. Featuring walk-ons by various interlocutors, this mnemonic outpour examines the potentiality of relationships in the digital age. Metonymic displacements, grammatical violations and verbal spillage form this rowdy non-narrative documenting one LA artist’s sexual exploits, an evolving attachment to Texas-based former fling, Matt G, and the determination and opportunism involved with the continually forthcoming publication of this, his first book.
Rated X for strong language and sexual content.
Selected Press:
Rhizome: “Phillip Seymour Hoffman Died, Are You Over Me?” by Tracy Jeanne Rosenthal
The Improbable: Review by Anne Zalokostas
BOMB: Beau Rice by Aiden Arata: “Text messaging, parasexual literature, and psychiatry in drag.”
I-D: “Beau Rice bares all in novel built out of his intimate text messages.”
Dennis Cooper: Beau Rice on the weaklings (link expired)
Beau Rice is an artist and writer living in Los Angeles.