Author: John Tottenham
Series: Success and Failure Series
Catalogue No: PA-009
Price: 14.95 USD
ISBN: 978-0-985508524
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 5 1/2″ x 8″
Pages: 108pp
Published: October 2012
Availability: Out of print
—John Tottenham
Epithalamium: A song or poem in honor of a bride and bridegroom.
Antiepithalamia & Other Poems of Regret and Resentment is John Tottenham’s second book of poetry, a sequence of mean- spirited love poems, paying particular respect to the institution of marriage, and a meditation on the subjects of regret and resentment. Morbid, bitter, self-pitying… perhaps, but offered in the spirit of giving as a tonic to those who are not blissfully content in love and work, and as a bracing antidote to the disease of unconvincing positivity that seems to infect almost every area of contemporary culture.
"Tottenham reveals with great aptitude what it means to be human. And to be human is to err. To have doubts, even over those most fundamental positions. In revealing those innermost contradictions and self-doubt, these poems compel the reader to consider their own assumptions: do you really want what you have, or are you simply subscribing to conformist patterns that are as much societal as biological?"
Selected Press:
John Tottenham is a British-born writer and visual artist living in Los Angeles. After graduating from London’s worst art school in the mid-’80s, Tottenham moved to the United States, where he has resided ever since, mostly toiling upon the lower slopes of journalism. After many years of resistance, he finally sold out to the lucrative, fast-paced world of poetry. He is the author of The Inertia Variations, an epic poetic cycle on the subjects of work avoidance, failure, and indolence. The collection was called “terrific” by the Guardian, “quiescent genius” by Mojo Magazine and “comedy gold” by 3:AM Magazine.